First: What About Minis? For anyone looking for a good kit to make a fireteam you can't do better than Wargames Atlantic's Space Nam set. I modified these guys...
Rules are very much in flux right now. Let's go through some of it, eh? Rolling Dice I lifted the original combat system for combat roles from the Gears of War...
I'm making the rules free because work is going slower than I'd like. Thank you so much if you purchased this. I've requested refunds for everyone. If, for some...
I included rules for movement without Zones for those who find them too outré. It's not super complicated, simply replacing the concept of a Zone with a single...
Some minor corrections along with a couple of fixes where "Snap Fire" and "Support Fire" got muddled For the next version I'd like to include alternate movement...
Seems I included the wrong file in the original release... I forgot to include the rules. Problem solved. In other news, I know you're going to be looking for...
Brimstone and Lead: Arena uses a modified UGOIGO structure. The Active Player has four action points, while the Reactive Player has only one. After the Active P...